quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010


Todos os dias deparo-me, em Coimbra, com imagens como esta... parece que Portugal ainda não está limpo....

Top Ten Things to Think About If You Want to Change the World

Mahatma Gandhi believed that we must be the change we want to see in the world. This was well demonstrated when he helped India gain its independence. Gandhi was a revolutionary man, but he accomplished India's emergence as a nation without starting a revolution. In fact, he advocated no violence. One of the most powerful countries in the world yielded to the commitment of one man and the dream of millions.

What change can we effect? What's the difference we want to make in the world?

Gandhi said, "In a gentle way you can shake the world." Here are some things to think about how to do just that …

1. Know that all significant change throughout history has occurred not because of nations, armies, governments and certainly not committees. They happened as a result of the courage and commitment of individuals. People like Joan of Ark, Albert Einstein, Clara Barton, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Rosa Parks. They might not have done it alone, but they were, without question, the change makers.

2. Believe that you have a unique purpose and potential in the world. It's not so much something to create as to be discovered. And it's up to you to discover it. Believe that you can and will make a difference.

3. Recognize that everything you do, every step you take, every sentence you write, every word you speak-or DON'T speak--counts. Nothing is trivial. The world may be big, but there are no small things. Everything matters.

4. To be the change you want to see in the world, you don't have to be loud. You don't have to be eloquent. You don't have to be elected. You don't even have to be particularly smart or well educated. You do, however, have to be committed.

5. Take personal responsibility. Never think "it's not my job". It's a cop-out to say, "What can I do, I'm only one person." You don't need everyone's cooperation or anyone's permission to make changes. Remember this little gem, "If it's to be, it's up to me."

6. Don't get caught up in the how of things. If you're clear on what you want to change and why you want to change it, the how will come. Many significant things have been left undone because someone let the problem solving interfere with the decision-making.

7. Don't wait for things to be right in order to begin. Change is messy. Things will never be just right. Follow Teddy Roosevelt's timeless advice, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

8. The genesis for change is awareness. We cannot change what we don't acknowledge. Most of the time, we aren't aware of what's wrong or what's not working. We don't see what could be. By becoming more aware, we begin the process of change.

9. Take to heart these words from Albert Einstein--arguably one of the smartest change masters who ever lived: "All meaningful and lasting change starts first in your imagination and then works its way out. Imagination is more important than knowledge."

10. In order for things to change, YOU have to change. We can't change others; we can only change ourselves. However, when WE change, it changes everything. And in doing so, we truly can be the change we want to see in the world.

The following is inscribed on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in Westminster Abby (1100 A.D.) …

When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country.

But it, too, seemed immovable.

As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.

And now, as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family.

From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country, and who knows, I may have even changed the world.

Since my 10-point list above was inspired by Gandhi's belief, it seems appropriate to end with another of his quotes: "Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."

Florence + The Machine - You've Got the Love

terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010

A song says too much

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?
What if, what if, if today was your last day?

Against the grain should be a way of life
What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?

And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of?
Swear up and down to God above
That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?

If today was your last day
Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?
You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are

So do whatever it takes
'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life
Let nothing stand in your way
'Cause the hands of time are never on your side

If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last?
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had?

And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of
Swear up and down to God above
That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?

If today was your last day, Nickelback

I'm just a step away
I'm just a breath away
Losing my faith today
Falling off the edge today

I am just a man
Not superhuman
I'm not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate

It's just another war
Just another family torn
Falling from my faith today
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live

I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero, save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time

I've gotta fight today
To live another day
Speaking my mind today
My voice will be heard today

I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
I'm not superhuman
My voice will be heard today

It's just another war
Just another family torn
My voice will be heard today
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves

I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero, save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time

I need a hero to save my life
I need a hero, just in time
Save me just in time
Save me just in time

Who's gonna fight for what's right?
Who's gonna help us survive?
We're in the fight of our lives
And we're not ready to die

Who's gonna fight for the weak?
Who's gonna make 'em believe?
I've got a hero, I've got a hero
Living in me

I'm gonna fight for what's right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
I will be ready to die

A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time

I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero, save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time

(I need a hero)
Who's gonna fight for what's right?
Who's gonna help us survive?

(I need a hero)
Who's gonna fight for the weak?
Who's gonna make 'em believe?
I've got a hero

I need a hero
A hero's gonna save me just in time

Hero, Skillet


O verão ainda não acabou por isso quero recomendar alguns livros espectaculares para ler na toalha:

Comer, Orar, Amar de Elizabeth Gilbert
O principezinho de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
O diário 1941-1943 de Etty Hillesum
O principe e a lavadeira de Nuno Tovar de Lemos Sj
O cavaleiro das duas bandeiras de Pedro Lamet
A menina que não queria falar de Torey Hayden
Autista, quem...? Eu? de Ana Martins
A vida de Pi de Yann Martel
Ainda nada? de Christian Voltz

Ser santo

"Precisamos de Santos sem véu ou batina.
Precisamos de Santos de calças jeans e ténis.
Precisamos de Santos que vão ao cinema, ouvem música e passeiam com os amigos.
Precisamos de Santos modernos, santos do século XXI, com uma espiritualidade inserida no nosso nosso tempo.
Precisamos de Santos comprometidos com os pobres e as necessárias mudanças sociais.
Precisamos de Santos que vivam no mundo, se santifiquem no mundo, que não tenham medo de viver no mundo.
Precisamos de Santos que bebam coca-cola e comam hot-dogs, que usem jeans, que sejam internautas, que usem disc man.
Precisamos de Santos que gostem de cinema, de teatro, de música, de dança, de desporto.
Precisamos de Santos sociáveis, abertos, normais, amigos, alegres, companheiros.
Precisamos de Santos que estejam no mundo; e saibam saborear as coisas puras e boas do mundo, mas que não sejam mundanos".(João Paulo II)

quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010


O inicio das férias é um tempo no qual recordamos o ano escolar que passou.As aulas, as cenas tristes, as novas amizades... são coisas que passam pela nossa cabeça neste momento, antes de irmos para a praia, de irmos passear... nestes poucos dias em que a única coisa que fazemos é estar de papo para o ar no sofá...
Por isso, quando descobri que José Saramago morreu, imediatamente lembrei-me de uma aula em que o stôr de filosofia nos leu o que para mim é um dos melhores textos dele. Decidi postar no blog esse mesmo texto....


Tens noventa anos.És velha, dolorida.Dizes-me que foste a mais bela rapariga
do teu tempo - e eu acredito. Não sabes ler.Tens as mãos grossas e
deformadas, os pés encortiçados. Carregaste à cabeça toneladas de restolho e
lenha, albufeiras de água.Viste nascer o Sol todos os dias.De todo o pão que
amassaste se faria um banquete universal!Criaste pessoas e gado, meteste os
bácoros na tua própria cama quando o frio ameaçava gelá-los.Contaste-me
histórias de aparições e lobisomens, velhas questões de família, um crime de
morte.Trave da tua casa, lume da tua lareira sete vezes engravidaste, sete
vezes deste à luz.
Não sabes nada do Mundo. Não entendes de política, nem de economia, nem de
literatura, nem de filosofia, nem de religião.Herdaste umas centenas de
palavras práticas, um vocabulário elementar.Com isto viveste e vais
vivendo.És sensível às catástrofes e também aos casos da rua, aos casamentos
de princesas e ao roubo dos coelhos da vizinha.Tens grandes ódios por
motivos de que já perdeste lembrança, grandes dedicações que assentam em
coisa nenhuma.Vives.Para ti, a palavra Vietnam é apenas um som bárbaro que
não condiz com o teu círculo de légua e meia de raio.Da fome sabes alguma
coisa: já viste uma bandeira negra içada na torre da igreja.(Contaste-me tu,
ou terei sonhado que o contavas?...) Transportas contigo o teu pequeno
casulo de interesses.E, no entanto, tens os olhos claros e és alegre.O teu
riso é como um foguete de cores.Como tu, não vi rir ninguém.
Estou diante de ti e não entendo.Sou da tua carne e do teu sangue, mas não
entendo.Vieste a este Mundo e não curaste de saber o que é o Mundo.Chegas ao
fim da vida, e o Mundo ainda é, para ti, o que era quando nasceste: uma
interrogação, um mistério inacessível, uma coisa que não fazia parte da tua
herança: quinhentas palavras, um quintal, a que em cinco minutos se dá a
volta, uma casa de telha vã e chão de terra batida.Aperto a tua mão calosa,
passo a minha mão pela tua face enrugada e pelos teus cabelos brancos,
partidos pelo peso dos carregos- e continuo a não entender.Foste bela,
dizes, e bem vejo que és inteligente.Porque foi então que te roubaram o
mundo? Quem to roubou? Mas disto entendo eu, e dir-te-ia o como, o porquê e
o quando se soubesses compreender.Já não vale a pena.O mundo continuará sem
ti- e sem mim.Não teremos dito um ao outro o que mais importava.
Não teremos realmente? Eu não te terei dado, porque as minhas palavras não
são as tuas, o mundo que te era devido.Fico com esta culpa de que me não
acusas- e isso ainda é pior.Mas porquê, avó, porque te sentas tu na soleira
da porta, aberta para a noite estrelada e imensa, para o céu de que nada
sabes e por onde nunca viajarás, para o silêncio dos campos e das árvores
assombradas, e dizes com a tranquila serenidade dos teus noventa anos e o
fogo da tua adolescência nunca perdida: "O mundo é tão bonito, e eu tenho
tanta pena de morrer!"
É isto que eu não entendo- mas a culpa não é tua.

José Saramago